Calcium Citrate Malate, Calcitriol, Vitamin K27, Zinc Magnesium L-Methylfolate & Methylcobalamin Soft Gelatin Capsules
The High Potency Calcium with Calcitriol More Minerals & Vitamin K27
Prevent Osteoporosis & Reduced the risk of related fractures
Repair Damage Nerve fibers by stimulating axonal regeneration
K27 Benefits in Osteoporosis
Promotes Bone Metabolism and Minerallisation of the Bone Matrix
It Increases the storage of calcium, hence bone mineral density by stimulating Osteobiasts (Bones Cells) to lay down more calcium matrix
Magnesium & Zinc
Helps in Bone metabolism Zinc is needed to produce a matrix of protein threads onto with the bone forming Calcium is laid. The lack of magnesium Causes abnormalities in skeletal structure & mineralization, resulting in common bone disease including osteoporosis